About Restore Health and Wellness Center
Restore Health and Wellness is a Substance Abuse treatment center for adults 18 and over. We provide treatment for alcohol and drug addiction at the inpatient level of care as well as a step-down to an Intensive Outpatient program for clients who complete phase one. Our focus is dual-diagnosis, and our treatment modalities focus on the underlying issues of the addict or alcoholic- we seek to treat the cause of the clients' abuse rather than the clients use in general. Our 45–90-day program is a combination of evidence-based psychotherapy, interactive education, and a structured living facility with 24-hour clinical staff. We believe it starts with the best clinical team. On staff, we have Licensed Therapists, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and two Board-Certified Psychiatrists. Restore is a small census luxury accommodations facility that believes in maximizing one-on-one therapy for clients as well as tailoring individual treatment plans for each client- as we believe the disease of addiction is a commonality, but the needs of each client are unique. We encourage aftercare- all clients are encouraged to participate in a substance abuse fellowship during their stay with us, and are expected to continue that participation upon completion of our program.