My son was recently at this place. Unfortunately I have very little positive to say about this \"rehab\". There are some lower level staff there that really care and try their best, and to them I am grateful. The manager is a terribly ignorant and rude individual who should not be in the position of working with children, in any capacity. I have nothing positive to say about her...
This is basically just a state funded dry out/detox hole for kids coming out of juvenille hall. There is very little treatment, program and no family involvement whatesoever, unless you consider visiting your child \"family involvement\". (And god forbid you work on those visiting days or hours because God knows \"no acceptions will be made\" as per the manager's instruction)
The facility is a small 3 bedroom house in Ramona with a kitchen and living room. The office is just a patio addition, so it is not a true facility, in the sense that you may think. There is a lot of sitting around, so make sure your child brings books and school work. They did go and feed the homeless, speak with inmates and attend NA meetings, but those were the highlights.
Bottom line, the manager, as dreadful as she is, and this place are very unlikely to help your kid with anything other than 30 day dry out. Again, some staff are great and I would highly recommend they leave and go work somewhere else. Find a real rehab, if that\'s what your child needs. You definitely dont want to send your child here.