About Cedar Point Recovery
Left untreated, addiction ruins relationships and destroys lives. At Cedar Point Recovery’s California drug and alcohol rehab treatment center, you can develop the tools needed to recover from addiction.
Our sole mission is to provide effective addiction treatment services to adults suffering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs (including, cocaine, heroin, and painkiller and prescription drug addiction).
Each client at Cedar Point Recovery’s rehabilitation center in CA is assigned a therapy team to plan, carry out, and monitor every part of the recovery treatment process.
The treatment professionals at Cedar Point have worked for decades in substance abuse treatment. Our creative and compassionate staff have successfully helped people get and stay clean by teaching them the coping skills that are the foundation for long-term recovery.
Clients attending treatment programs at our California alcohol and drug rehab center will find peaceful surroundings and a positive treatment community, as well as access to a wide range of alternative therapies.
Read our testimonials or watch the video on our California Location page to hear testimonials from counselors and clients.https://www.cedarpointrecovery.com/about-us/