My son was discharged successfully after two weeks. He was not ready to go, stated he wasn't ready, and had never even met with his counselor for a one-on-one, other than the initial questionaire paperwork and the meeting to tell him he was going home. She said he was having no issues and was ready. I imagine it appeared that way since she never sat down with him to find out how he was doing. She knew nothing about him which was very apparent during the family meeting/going home meeting. She would make statements which were not factual and my son would point this out to her, statements about telling his brother about his addiction,etc. His brother was instrumental in getting him to treatment and had been in attendance at the family group. .. My son was so discouraged at being discharged without warning. I was proud of him because he let her know she did not do her job, knew nothing about him, and was not listening to him and his concerns. She offered for him to stay for an additional $10,000, which my son turned down because he could not afford that and knew it would stress him out. I am basing this on personal experience as an addictions therapist, and an alumni of Hazelden. He is a 27 yr old, self-supporting young man. The treatment plan for him once he goes home was up in the air..,I know from experience that treatment shows the path and what is done in life is what determines your recovery. I truly hated my son leaving what 'should' have been a warm experience angry and discouraged. I don't like feeling concerned about this facility and not being able to recommend it. He loved the PA and said she was more of a therapist and much more helpful than a staff. Serious concerns! No, he never met with counselor for an actual sit down and talk, his "homework" was never discussed with him, he was given no prep for leaving, healthy food was not an option. said the facility works thru the groups...our thought is the patients are in there to get a better perspective, learn how to live, get some education, relapse prevention, counseling. They get some of that from a group of peers, but there also needs to be a functional adult showing them, leading by example, etc. That was barely provided