Overall I was pleased with this treatment program. I was there during a time of transition and understood some of the kinks still needed ironing. My therapist, was hands down phenomenal. It was her training that taught me to make a 360 degree shift of my thinking pattern. I wanted to leave many times, complaining of this/that. But soon realized this was just a shock to my life of instant gratification. Soon I realized these people weren’t treating me half as bad as I was while using and damn near killing myself. The ugly side was with the medical department, some staff were really downright disrespectful to a group of individuals whom deserve the utmost respect for even deciding we want different and better fit our lives. Also the medical team had a problem with miscommunication. Don’t get me wrong, not all. Those that were respectful truly had an attitude of care and compassion. BHT’s were amazing, oftentimes going above and beyond. Would recommend giving Qualis a try