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American Addiction Centers National Rehabs Directory

Awakenings Rehabilitation

809 West Erie Street, Albion, Michigan, 49224
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About Awakenings Rehabilitation

At Awakenings Rehabilitation, we strive to address the personal needs of each of our clients and offer individualized treatment options. Our dedicated staff works with each client one-on-one to ensure long-term success in their recovery process. We understand that recovering from an addiction is not easy; it is a challenging and emotionally intense process. As a result, we believe in providing each individual with the compassionate care and respect they deserve. True recovery is not simply being abstinent from substances. True recovery means reconnecting with oneself and flourishing in life. It is with this spirit of compassion, combined with our staff’s skillfulness, that we inspire, nurture and empower our clients to change their own lives.

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Patient Reviews

Overall Rating
(22 reviews)
  • Accommodations & Amenities
  • Treatment Effectiveness
  • Meals & Nutrition
Accommodations & Amenities
Treatment Effectiveness
Meals & Nutrition
My brother did really good at Awakenings. This program seemed to mesh well with him and his needs. One thing about this program that worked so well for him was that it's a mostly holistic program. He was diagnosed with depression when he was 16 and has been on medication since then. At Awakenings they didn't try to take him off his meds, didn't tell him that he didn't need it. They also didn't prescribe any additional medication there. They don't do that. You stay what you're on when you get there and that's it. That along with the staff, the treatment program he did and everything else, he had a great experience there. The staff were easy to get along with and easy to work with. The other clients helped my brother a lot as well. They helped him fit in when he first got there and made him comfortable there. My brother had a easy time staying through his program because he liked it there. He learned a lot about himself and how best to keep himself sober. They didn't take him off his medication but, they also didn't try to prescribe anything while he was there. All that combined just worked for him and made Awakenings a wonderful rehab that he benefited greatly from going to. I never tried it but heard the food could be better. Could use more staff members too but, the staff they have are amazing.
Accommodations & Amenities
Treatment Effectiveness
Meals & Nutrition
This was posted as a Christian facility, There wasn't one thing Christian about it, no step program no bible studies, the language from both clients and some staff was vulgar. Food was not healthy, vegetables were over cooked and smothered in butter, very little fresh fruit just granny Smith apples and bananas. No juice, just kool aid, I met with my counselor a total of 3 times before my last week (I was there for 43 days. No planned extracurricular activities like art. The "store" was poorly stocked. The staff was not United on enforcing the easy to follow rules. Was told I could plan a individual program to help me, and that there was SMART RECOVERY (only in the detox and rtc program. It was so bad for me that I pretty much isolated and dove into my bible and bible studies I had brought with me. That's what helped me the most. I would not recommend this to anyone! Also found out at least 1/3 of the clients who 'graduated' the program after I entered the program already have relapsed. A couple of pluses, My counselor was a strong Christian, my case worker was a firm and rule enforcer, and most of the nursing staff was kind and polite; BTW health workers (nurses) should NOT wear perfume. That's it. My rant is done. Can't believe we wasted so much money on this place. I was pretty much just Isolated.
Accommodations & Amenities
Treatment Effectiveness
Meals & Nutrition
Going to Awakenings helped my son so much. They treated him great there. It wasn't just about getting my son off heroin. He's always had problems in his life because of how shy he is. During his program the staff there helped him learn better how to deal with people he didn't know. So, going to Awakenings got him off heroin but they've made his life so much easier because of everything else they did for him.
Accommodations & Amenities
Treatment Effectiveness
Meals & Nutrition
The staff really cares but it is a business so the cuts were being made when i was there at times very unorganized but again staff and councell were very caring and good any rehab it up to you to make what it is!!!! The staff,nurse, and counsellor and chef were very good. had no one to drive clients to church aa and other activity they were trying to figure that out when i was there.
Accommodations & Amenities
Treatment Effectiveness
Meals & Nutrition
When I went to Awakenings it was because I needed help with an addiction to pain pills and Suboxone. The Suboxone I started to get off the pain pills but I was using one or the other and couldn’t get off. When I went to Awakenings I got the exact right kind of help I needed and I’ve able to stay sober since coming home after finishing my program. When I started using it was because I wanted to try it, wanted to see what it was like. Such a stupid and costly mistake. When I realized that I’d become dependent on pills I went to my parents for help. I didn’t want to go to rehab because I was afraid that I’d go there and end up with a bigger habit or something. I’d read some stories of that happening to people, or they’d go to rehab for weed and when they left they’d start using meth or something. Because of that fear my parents and I decided on me going to a doctor and getting on Suboxone. Which did help. It got me off the pills. Only then, I couldn’t get off the Suboxone. I was weaned down on the Suboxone till I was taking only a little bit, then I stop taking it and as soon as the withdrawal started, I’d start looking for something to stop it. Whether that was pills or Suboxone I didn’t care. After a year of that my parents decided I needed rehab. I went though I didn’t completely agree. I knew I needed some help and thought that if I could get everything out of my system, then I wouldn’t needed help staying that way. I did do the program, just not as well as I could have. I wasn’t as sincere as I should’ve been, didn’t try as hard as I could’ve. I made it 3 months after coming home before I relapsed. I went back on Suboxone, back to that cycle until my parents found Awakenings and sent me there. It’s a great place for so many reasons. There 2 that were most important to me though was the program itself and the staff there. The program isn’t just one program that everyone does. They have different options there and I found a program that worked best for me. The staff, as soon as I got there they made sure I felt welcome and that I was comfortable. Through my withdrawal they made sure I was as comfortable as possible and continued to be there through my whole program, helping me whenever I needed it. Because of all that I’ve stayed sober since I finished my program and came home. I feel so much better now. I know what to do and how to handle that comes my way and by using what I learned at Awakenings, I know that no matter what I’ll be able to stay sober.