I was referred to Helio Detox because I had a high BAC. I was in treatment and on probation. While I didn\'t think it was necessary, I felt I needed to demonstrate compliance.
I saw a doctor before being admitted. A couple of hours later I was told I needed to take the Valium prescribed. I had no idea why I was prescribed Valium, no guidance about side effects. I was prescribed it 3x/day for 3 days. I resisted.
The unit was locked, and I guess that makes some sense, but I felt trapped. Due to COVID, we were instructed to stay in our rooms with the door closed. This was supposed to be a supervised Detox, but the only time I had \"supervision\" was when my meals were brought to me. I could have had a seizure between breakfast and lunch!
The staff were great - they were friendly and responsive, but I had the impression that they didn\'t have much support from any Doctors or RPN\'s, and they didn\'t have enough staff. They did their best, and I appreciate their efforts.
I guess pre-COVID, they had meetings and activities, but I didn\'t see that.
I know that a lot of people in withdrawal benefit from Valium; they can sleep through it. I didn\'t need that assistance, and felt like a patient from \"One Flew Over the Coo Koo\'s Nest\". Being locked in and being prescribed Valium with no access to a Doctor was just scary for me. If I\'d taken that amount of Valium, I would have been sleeping 24/7 for three days.
I had to advocate for myself to get released. The nurses and counselors where helpful and helped me bust out, but it\'s amazing to me that no doctors were involved. I never want to go to Detox again, at Helio or anywhere else. I felt like I was in a mental institution from the 1960\'s.
But, the food was very good! Those people in the kitchen put a lot of effort into what they do. Best Mac & Cheese ever. Great bacon/cheese burger.
I can see why people come here off the streets. A bed, a good meal, an big screen TV. I guess if you can demonstrate you are in withdrawal, you\'ll be admitted.